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Welcome to the Employer Help Center
Reimbursement Accounts
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
FSA Eligibility
FSA Qualifying Events & Election Changes
FSA Election Amounts (Medical & Dependent Care)
Adding or Updating FSA Enrollments
Medical Eligible Expense Guidelines
Dependent Care Eligible Expense Guidelines
Claim Reimbursement Options
Updating Employee Status for Reimbursement Accounts
Termination of Employment - FSA Guidelines
Leave of Absence - FSA Guidelines
FSA Open Enrollment Process
HRA / HSA / FSA Comparison Chart
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA)
Adding or Updating HRA Enrollments
HRA Annual Enrollment Process
HRA Plan Design Options
HRA / HSA / FSA Comparison Chart
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
HSA Overview
HSA General FAQ
HSA Eligibility FAQ
HSA & FSA Account Interaction
Limited Purpose FSA
HSA Identity Verification
HSA Employer FAQ
Adding or Updating HSA Enrollments
HSA Distributions
HSA Investment Options
HSA Tax Reporting
HSA & Medicare FAQ
HRA / HSA / FSA Comparison Chart
Transit & Parking
Transportation Plans Overview
Transportation Election Changes
Transportation Claims
Post-Tax Transportation
Online Tools
Employer Portal Login (Reimbursement Accounts)
Reports & Notifications (Reimbursement Accounts)
Accessing Employee Data (Reimbursement Accounts)
FSA/HSA Contribution File Data Import
Plan Info & Forms (Reimbursement Accounts)
Troubleshooting Website Login (Reimbursement Accounts)
Invoices (Reimbursement Accounts)
Debit Cards
Debit Card Overview
Ordering Debit Cards
Debit Card Transaction Substantiation (Receipt Requests)
Annual Debit Card Substantiation Report
Debit Card Tracking Reports
Document Library
Claim Forms
Employee Brochures (Reimbursement Accounts)
FSA Eligible Expense Lists
Participant Guides
Mobile App Flyer (Reimbursement Accounts)
Online Account Access Instructions (Reimbursement Accounts)
Online Enrollment Instructions
Communicating with Sentinel
Sentinel Contact Information (Reimbursement Accounts)
Secure Email System
Adding & Removing Plan Contacts (Reimbursement Accounts)
FSA Contribution Processing Methods
Updating Plan Bank Info for Reimbursement Accounts
Plan Compliance
Compliance Webinar
Election Limits
Annual FSA Plan Reconciliation & Forfeitures
ERISA Compliance - Medical FSA
Nondiscrimination Testing - Section 125
5500 Requirements for Reimbursement Accounts
Participant Email Education Series
March 2023 FSA - Setting up notifications
January 2023 - What you need to file an FSA claim
November 2022 - Tracking Your FSA & HSA Expenses
September 2022 FSA - Navigating Your Online Account
June 2022 FSA - What you need to file an FSA claim
June 2022 HSA - Tips for investing in your HSA
April 2022 - 2 ways to simplify your account experience
November 2021 - Gearing Up for OE - Expense Tracker
September 2021 FSA - What you need to file an FSA claim
September 2021 HSA - New tools for your HSA!
June 2021 - COVID-19 PPE is now HSA, FSA eligible
Future Email Topics
March 2023 HSA - setting up notifications
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 National Emergency Ends
American Rescue Plan Act
Electing Plan Changes for the American Rescue Plan Act
PPE Now FSA/HSA Eligible
Claim Filing Runout Period Extension
Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
Electing Plan Changes for Consolidated Appropriations Act
Election Changes & Payroll Deductions
Eligible Expense Period Extension
FSA Rollover Amount Increase
CARES Act - New Eligible Expenses
Furloughed Employees
Sentinel's Service Commitment
Open Enrollment Educational Emails
FSAs Explained
HSAs Explained
FSA Quick Guide
HSA Quick Guide
Investing & HSAs
Expense Tracking
Eligible Items
Treasure Awaits
Start Your Adventure
Ready, Set, Save
Open Enrollment Toolkit
Retirement Plan Administration
Account Maintenance
Plan Sponsor Web Navigation Guide
Viewing Plan and Participant Transactions
Creating and Viewing Plan Reports and Forms
Participant Rollover Request Approval
Simple Guide to your Retirement Services Invoice
How to Update Employee Contact Information and/or Security Questions
Multi-factor Authentication
Searching for/Updating Employee Account Information
Employee Online Account Access Assistance
Lost Participant Tracking and Maintenance
SECURE Act 2.0
SECURE Act 2.0 Reference Guide
How The SECURE 2.0 Act Will Affect Your Retirement Plan - 2023 Provisions
2025 SECURE ACT: Long-Term Part-Time Employees (LTPTs)
Mandatory Roth Catch-Up Contributions in 2026
EFAST2 Credentials & Electronic 5500 Filing
5500 Requirements for Retirement Plans
Obtaining EFAST2 Credentials
How to EFILE Form 5500 (5500-SF) - FT William
How to EFILE Form 5500 (5500-SF) - Sentinel Web Client
Distributions, Loans and Rollovers
Sponsor Approval of Distribution Requests
Tips for Reviewing Distribution Requests
Sponsor Approval of Loan Requests
Viewing/Printing a Loan Amortization Schedule
Mandatory Distributions (Automatic Rollover IRA's)
403(b) Contract Exchanges and Transfers
Non-Discrimination Testing & Corrective Distributions
CARES Act Loan Repayment Deferment
Qualified Birth or Adoption Distributions
Loans Requiring Supporting Documentation
Self-certification of Hardship Distributions
Self-certification of Hardship Withdrawals - Administrative Procedure
Plan Compliance
Plan Compliance Calendar
Audit Requirements for Retirement Plans
Uploading the Annual Census Verification & Annual Employer Package
Year End Census Review
IRS Plan Document Restatement for Cycle 3
Annual Participant Notice Access and Delivery Requirements
Mergers, Acquisitions & Other Company Transactions
FundScape Report
Fee and Investment Disclosure Resource Center
Sample Board Resolution
2025 SECURE ACT: Long-Term Part-Time Employees (LTPTs)
Case Study: Strategies for Improving Plan Health
Document Subscription Services
Submitting Payroll Files
Contribution Center Template FAQs
Online Contribution Center Instructions
Account Maintenance FAQ
Who is the Plan Sponsor?
Who is the Plan Administrator?
Who and What is a Fiduciary?
Who is the Third Party Administrator (TPA)?
What are 3(16) Plan Administration Services?
What is a Fidelity Bond?
How do I track participant beneficiary elections?
What are the Sentinel Alert emails I receive?
Compliance FAQ
What are the Allowable Safe Harbor Reasons for Hardship Withdrawals?
What are the timing rules for submitting employee deferral contributions into the plan?
What is a Controlled Group (Code Section 414(b) & (c))?
What is an Affiliated Service Groups (Code Section 414(m))?
How does Automatic Enrollment work?
How does vesting work?
When do our employees become eligible to participate in the retirement plan?
Loan and Distribution FAQ
How do Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) work?
How do I remove the small balances of terminated participants from the plan?
How do I process a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)?
How can a participant request a loan?
How do distributions work?
Participant Assistance FAQ
What is Financial Finesse?
What am I supposed to give a new employee regarding the retirement plan?
How do participants enroll in the plan?
How do I submit participant information changes?
How do I submit participant contributions and/or loan payments to the plan?
How do participants make investment changes?
How do participants change their salary deferral into the plan?
Do I have to provide plan notices to participants every year?
How do participants receive statements?
Can participants access the plan using their phones?
What is the Service Center phone number?
Other General Questions
What reports and requests can I expect to receive?
Does Sentinel offer financial education?
Does Sentinel offer webinars for additional training?
Does Sentinel provide information about the market conditions?
Personalized Investing FAQs
How soon after a change is requested online is it reflected in a participant's account?
Participant Email Templates (for Plan Sponsor use)
Missing Beneficiary Template
Beneficiary Review Template
Terminated Participants Template
Participant Notices and Fee Disclosures
eDelivery Regulations
Understanding Plan Fees and Expenses
Plan Sponsor Fee Disclosure - What is 408(b)(2) and What Actions Should a Plan Sponsor Take?
Participant Fee Disclosure - What is 404(a)(5) and What Actions Should a Plan Sponsor Take?
Advisor Channel
Plan Compliance Calendar
Retirement Plan Solutions - For Financial Professionals
Case Study: Strategies for Improving Plan Health
Personalized Investing FAQs
Portfolio Maintenance
Fiduciary Advisory Services
Advisory Services
I have questions. Who do I contact?
Am I Fiduciary?
Fidelity Bond and Fiduciary Liability Insurance, what is the difference and do I need it?
3(21) & 3(38) Advisory vs Broker
What is the Vault?
How do I access the Vault?
Investment Management
What is the FundScape Report?
What does it mean to have a fund on watch?
Does my plan need an Investment Policy Statement?
What is Revenue Recapture and what does it mean to my plan?
General Information
COBRA Qualifying Events
When must the initial notice be sent to covered employees and spouses?
What are the premium payment deadlines regarding COBRA coverage?
How does COBRA continuation coverage requirements apply to Cafeteria Plans and other Flexible Benefit arrangements?
Who is entitled to COBRA Coverage?
What are Qualifying Events?
What plans are subject to COBRA?
What triggers the obligation to offer COBRA coverage?
What is the purpose of the Initial COBRA Notice?
Does each Qualified Beneficiary have independent election rights under COBRA?
Legislative Updates
Employer Reports
Monthly Client Remittance Report
Active COBRA Member Listing
COBRA Timelines
Sentinel Group COBRA Administration Process
Monthly Reimbursement Process
Group Insurance
Health Insurance
Introduction to Health Insurance
Understanding Health Insurance Terms
Types of Medical Plans
Embedded and Nonembedded Deductibles
Qualifying Life Events
Dental & Vision Insurance
Dental Insurance 101
Vision Insurance 101
Group Term Life & Disability Insurance
What is Group Term Life Insurance?
Group Term Life - Commonly Asked (Tax) Questions
What is Group Disability Insurance?
Disability Insurance Terms
Employer Portal
First Time Logging In
Your Team
Tips & FAQs
Forgot Your Password
Supported Browsers
Billing FAQs
Billing FAQs
Invoices on the Employer Portal
Invoices (Reimbursement Accounts)
Simple Guide to your Retirement Services Invoice
Popular Articles
Nondiscrimination Testing - Section 125
Termination of Employment - FSA Guidelines
HSA Identity Verification
Sponsor Approval of Distribution Requests
What are the Allowable Safe Harbor Reasons for Hardship Withdrawals?
See more....
Recent Articles
Mandatory Roth Catch-Up Contributions in 2026
Meet Ali Singleton
Meet Nick Galliano
Meet Matt Perkins
Meet Erin Hannigan
See more...
General Information
COBRA Qualifying Events
When must the initial notice be sent to covered employees and spouses?
What are the premium payment deadlines regarding COBRA coverage?
How does COBRA continuation coverage requirements apply to Cafeteria Plans and other Flexible Benefit arrangements?
Who is entitled to COBRA Coverage?
See More
Employer Reports
Monthly Client Remittance Report
Active COBRA Member Listing
Sentinel Group COBRA Administration Process
Monthly Reimbursement Process
Popular Articles
Nondiscrimination Testing - Section 125
Termination of Employment - FSA Guidelines
HSA Identity Verification
Sponsor Approval of Distribution Requests
What are the Allowable Safe Harbor Reasons for Hardship Withdrawals?
See more....
Recent Articles
Mandatory Roth Catch-Up Contributions in 2026
Meet Ali Singleton
Meet Nick Galliano
Meet Matt Perkins
Meet Erin Hannigan
See more...