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Meet Lynn Stevens

Lynn Stevens

Plan Consultant

About Me

Lynn joined Sentinel in January 2020 as part of the acquisition of Alliance Benefit Group of MI, of whom Lynn worked for 18 years. She has over 33 years of experience working with Defined Benefit and Cash Balance plans, primarily in the role of Plan Consultant.

Lynn's main job responsibilities include: acting as liaison between client and actuary; filing of plan terminations with IRS and PBGC; and assisting with the processing of distributions for retirees and terminated participants. Lynn most enjoys communicating with clients and advisors and helping them understand complex retirement issues.

Educational Background & Experience

  • Bachelor of Science, Finance – Michigan State University 
  • QPA Certification, ASPPA

Out of the Office

Lynn loves to spend time outdoors in nature (kayaking, paddleboarding and hiking). Her favorite quote is, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting an uphill battle."

Contact Information
