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Meet Corey Perlmutter

Corey Perlmutter

Senior Plan Consultant

About Me

Corey joined Sentinel in December 2017,previously working for a third-party administrator in Syosset, NY. He's been in the industry since 2013.

Corey's main job responsibilities include: working with Plan Sponsors on all aspects of the retirement plan to make their life easier on them and their participants; complete the annual compliance testing and allocation contributions; and work directly with our internal teams to service our clients and their employees.

Corey's favorite part of the job is having a great relationship with Plan Sponsors "to the point where conversations will extend past just work duties", he explains. 

Educational Background & Experience

  • West Virginia University 
  • ASPPA QKA Certification

Out of the Office

Corey is the president of a youth basketball organization in his hometown with over 400 boys and girls ranging from first to sixth grade. He enjoys spending time with his 3 kids. He likes to play and coach sports. When not working, Corey is usually on the ball field or playing golf.

Contact Information
