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Meet William Buckheit

William Buckheit

VP, Actuarial & Consulting Services

About Me

Bill joined Sentinel Group in 2011 as part of the acquisition of Schloss & Co., where he had been employed for 26 years. He has 40 years of experience as an Enrolled Actuary on plans covering from 1 participant to several thousand participants. His responsibilities include certification of actuarial results for ERISA and financial accounting reporting requirements, review of combined plan nondiscrimination testing, new plan design, providing consulting services for clients’ senior management and senior consulting support to other Sentinel teams. His commitment to his clients is paramount, as his relationships lasting 15, 20 and even 30 years can attest to.

Educational Background & Experience

  • College of Insurance (now The Peter J. Tobin College of Business) St. John’s University, Queens, NY – Bachelor of Science – Actuarial Science
  • Enrolled Actuary, Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries
  • Member, American Academy of Actuaries
  • Fellow, Conference of Consulting Actuaries
  • Member, American Society of Enrolled Actuaries (part of ASPPA)

Out of the Office

Bill enjoys spending time with his wife, kayaking, hiking and snowshoeing with his family.

Contact Information
