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  1. November 2021 - Gearing Up for OE - Expense Tracker

    November 2021 Audience: FSA and HSA participants Topic: Gearing up for OE - Expense Tracker Release date: November 2, 2021 Access Email copy: Planning for Open Enrollment.msg Preview: ...
  2. Supported Browsers

    The employer portal has been designed to fully support commonly used browsers running on desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and phones. Supported browsers: Google Chrome (latest version) Apple Safari (latest version) Microsoft Edge (latest version) ...
  3. Resources

    Your employer portal provides easy access to helpful resources. Visit the Resources section of the home page for links to our employer help center, information about cybersecurity for you and your plan participants, and to access our Health + Wealth...
  4. Vault

    If you have been set up with access to the Sentinel Vault, you will be able to access your plan's information by clicking the Vault link in the menu on the left side of the employer portal: If you do not see the Vault option in your menu, thi...
  5. Profile

    If you would like to change the password you use to access the employer portal, click the  link at the top of the screen. Select the "change password" option to update your password. For any other account changes, please contact your Sen...
  6. Forgot Your Password

    If you cannot recall your password for the employer portal, select the "forgot your password?" option below the sign in box: Follow the instructions on the next screens to authenticate yourself and create a new password. Once your new password ...
  7. Your Team

    The Your Team page of the employer portal displays the members of your Sentinel team responsible for your plan(s). You can access this information by clicking the "Your Team" option in the left navigation menu. Here, you will find the name, t...
  8. Invoices

    If you have been granted access to your organization's invoices, you will see a summary of your outstanding balance and due date as well as recently applied payments on the home page of your employer portal. You can view more details by clicking...
  9. Tips & FAQs

    Below are some tips and answers to frequently asked questions about the employer portal. I am not able to access the portal itself or certain pages on the portal because of my organization's security restrictions Depending on the types of restric...
  10. September 2021 HSA - New tools for your HSA!

    September 2021 HSA Audience: HSA participants Topic: New HSA tools & features Release date: September 15, 2021 Access Email copy: New tools for your HSA!.msg ...