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  1. Election Limits

    The following plan limits are in effect for plan years beginning in 2024.  Medical FSA : $3,200 annually Limited Purpose FSA : $3,200 annually Dependent Care FSA : $5,000 annually  Transit Pre-Tax : $315 monthly Parking Pre-...
  2. Lost Participant Tracking and Maintenance

    Employers who sponsor qualified retirement plans and record-keepers like Sentinel, may need to locate missing or unresponsive participants (or beneficiaries) who are due a benefit under the plan. The DOL and IRS have identified guidance to help. Add...
  3. Audit Requirements for Retirement Plans

    If a company’s 401k plan has 120 eligible participants on the first day of the plan year, an audit is required. Once an audit has occurred, the 401k plan must be audited every year after that until the eligible participant number drops below 100. A...
  4. Tips & FAQs

    Below are some tips and answers to frequently asked questions about the employer portal. I am not able to access the portal itself or certain pages on the portal because of my organization's security restrictions Depending on the types of restric...
  5. Billing FAQs

    I’d like to pay my Retirement Plan Administration or Health Benefits invoice(s). What methods of payment you accept? Check: Please make checks payable to “Sentinel Benefits Group Inc.” and mail directly to 100 Quannapowitt Parkway, Suite 300, W...
  6. Document Subscription Services

    What is the service? The document subscription service caters specifically to defined contribution retirement plan documents that are on Sentinel’s pre-approved document. It offers comprehensive coverage for all required amendments and restatements...
  7. Your Team

    The Your Team page of the employer portal displays the members of your Sentinel team responsible for your plan(s). You can access this information by clicking the "Your Team" option in the left navigation menu. Here, you will find the name, t...
  8. Electing Plan Changes for the American Rescue Plan Act

    If you would like to make plan changes in relation to the American Rescue Plan Act, please click here to notify Sentinel of your election.  Once your submission is received and the details are confirmed, Sentinel will make the appropriate updates...
  9. Vault

    If you have been set up with access to the Sentinel Vault, you will be able to access your plan's information by clicking the Vault link in the menu on the left side of the employer portal: If you do not see the Vault option in your menu, thi...
  10. Self-certification of Hardship Distributions

    One of the provisions of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 permits plan administrators to rely on a participant’s self-certification that they meet the conditions for a hardship distribution. Under this provision, plan administrators are not required t...